Welcome to Polio & Deformity Correction Centre
Polio and Deformity Correction Centre (PDCC), Bhola Hospital is situated in the center of holy city Kurukshetra. 15 bedded Hospital was established in Nov, 1989 with Orthopedic and Dental specialities. In past 35 years it has specialised in treatment of Neuro-Muscular Locomotor Deformities.
Polio & Deformity Correction Centre (PDCC) is dedicated & committed to change the life of patients, suffering from polio, Cerebral Palsy, CTEV & other deformities and make them smile.
Polio Treatment with Computer Assisted Hexapod and Ilizarov

I was having polio from the age of 3-1/2 years. My problem was, whenever I used to walk my foot was in drop position and my knee was not getting locked. And because of this I was not able to walk longer distances and whenever I used to stand on only right leg (right) and I was unable to bear the weight on the poliotic (left) leg.
Dr. Bhola’s Views and Testimonials of 3 patients about Polio

I am Sanjay Sharma, from Chandlaana, Kaithal and I am a poliotic patient. Before the year 2000, I used to walk with my hand on thigh and with the support of one another person. After walking some sort of distance i usually got tired and had to seek the help of a person while going to school as at that time my condition was so critical ………………
Polio – Frequent Falls – Treatment

I am Balwinder Singh from Gulah(Haryana). I am having polio and earlier I my right lower limb was bent at knee and short and heel was in the air. I was having frequent falls while walking and was not able to walk longer distances.
Cerebral Palsy Crouch Gait Treatment

I am Gaurav Aggarwal 18 years old from Narwana (Jind). I am having Cerebral Palsy. I was suffering with a great diffculty of walking as i used to walk in crouch position and i was not able to stand properly with proper weight. I was having bent knees due to which I was not able to sit properly. Whenever I used to walk I walk with the legs crossed to the other side.
Watch Full Testimonial
Best Hospital for Orthopadics
We Provide Best Treatment with Latest technology with 35 Years of experience
Polio Corrective Surgery Camps were organized by Lions ClubBareilly at S.S. Hospital Bareilly consecutiely for last 3 years (2011,12 & 13). Dr. Bhola was part of surgical team who performed -75 surgeries in each camp.
As recognition to his service & exemplary efforts he was awarded Melvin Dream Award in 2011, 12 & 13.